Canvas Painting For Kids

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Canvas Painting For Kids

Canvas painting for kids is an excellent activity that fosters creative exploration, skill building, confidence building and develops cognitive skills!

Kids do very well with step by step instruction.


Scroll down for a gallery of free painting tutorials!

With step by step structured painting instruction, you set your child up for success! You will be amazed what he or she creates and he or she will certainly feel very confident!

Also, through step by step instruction you can insert other learning opportunities in other subject areas such as math and science!

You can teach your child the basics of art such as the Elements and Principles and even a little Art History if relevant! 

Painting benefits for kids

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Supplies For Painting With Kids

Beginning with painting instruction at home is easy. All you need are a few basic supplies that can be found at your local craft store such as canvases, acrylic paints and brushes.

I personally like to use basic craft paints with my own kids and students I have taught in the past. It flows smoothly and easy to work with. 

Plaid Apple Barrel makes an 18 piece set that they sell on Amazon. I also love the DecoArt Paints. And there is also a very inexpensive craft paint that Michals sells called CraftSmart. So many options! 

Then when your child is ready you can move up to student grade acrylic paints like the Liquitex BASICS. That paint is a little thicker but it blends more smoothly and dries in a nice satin finished 

As for brushes, you can typically pick up a variety pack of brushes to get you started. I like to use synthetic brushes. Keep in mind that a tutorial may call for a specific size of brush but you don’t technically have to use that exact one. 

If you’re looking for a detailed list of supplies to get you started with acrylic painting, check out my page here about that here. I go into more depth about brush sizes and paints on that page. 

What Painting To Start With

Start with an easy painting and then work your way up as your child becomes more comfortable with painting.

I also recommend that you paint with your child side by side in an “I do, we do” sort of instruction. In other words demonstrate each step first and have your child repeat. 

Here at the Step By Step Painting website, I create canvas painting tutorials for all ages! I don’t believe an age should be set on a particular painting. If you see one that inspires you or your child, I encourage both of you to try it! 

Below is a list a gallery of painting tutorials that are specifically designed to be “child friendly” because of either the theme or skill level.

Each have a tutorial and most have an easy to follow video. Enjoy!

Gallery of Free Kid Friendly Painting Tutorials:

See my full gallery


Looking for more Paintings?

I have a full gallery of painting tutorials. Any of my lessons can be adapted for all ages! Check out my full list of Step By Step Painting Tutorials Here:


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25 thoughts on “Canvas Painting For Kids”

  1. Hi Tracie,
    I love your paintings and tutorials! I am teaching an enrichment after school painting club and was wondering how many paintings you think we would be able to get done. There are five 1 hour sessions once a week after school. How long should I expect each painting to take? I am working with kids in 2nd-4th grade.

    Thanks so much for your feedback. I really appreciate it!

    • Hi Kelly! Most paintings on this website take 1-2 hours depending on complexity of the design and the size of canvas you’re working on. Now for kids in that age range I would say upwards 3 hours (not all in one setting of course). You’ll be able to make this estimate after the first session because your group of kids can vary in how fast they paint. You can always simplify a design too and you might be safe doing one painting for two sessions. Hope this helps!

  2. Checked a few of your tutorials and they are really detailed. I might actually try a few of these. Flamingo is the most beautiful in my opinion.

  3. My sister introduced this to my family at Christmas this year as something fun for all of us to do. It turns out that we loved it and since Christmas have done many more and my daughter invited her friends to join her. Our plan is to do a Christmas seeing each year and my daughter and I are now talking about doing one for each holiday! It’s easy and a lot of fun and it is a great way to spend time with your children!
    ***** I can say however that for my oldest children and adults this has taken us 3 hours on average. I am planning on doing one with my 9 year-old but expecting to take 2 evenings and hoping to finish it!
    +++ please let me know when you have posted new tutorials!

    • Thanks Cathy for sharing your story. Yes they do take quite a bit of time to paint. But I’m glad you’re enjoying and having fun painting with your kids!

    • Hi Debbie! Nothing is supposed to be downloaded. You view the tutorials online. Try going to my homepage and then you’ll be able to click on a painting you would like to do.

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