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This month’s SBSP Members Exclusive tutorial is a magical winter landscape of a lodge and Northern light reflecting over and icy lake.
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You will be learning how to paint the pretty blue-purple sky and water and how to do the “dry brush technique” to create glowing Northern lights.

Get lost in all the details – from the Christmas lights on the cabin to the little North Pole Sign and the snow filled pine trees!
Optional Traceable Included!

Tracie demonstrates this without using the template. However, if you LOVE traceables, there is one for this tutorial! You can transfer the design to your canvas to help you with the painting process.
Some Paintings From Our Artist Members!

Directions At A Glance

Video Preview:
Members get access to a full 54 minute instructional video, PDF download with written instructions and materials list, an optional traceable template that you can use to transfer the design to your canvas and a high resolution picture of the painting.
I’m a member! Where can I find this?
You can view this online or download the tutorial. Visit the members library here to view the tutorial! You also received this in your email on November 1st!
I’m not a member. How can I get this tutorial?
This tutorial is an exclusive tutorial only found in the SBSP membership! You are welcome to join this month to learn how to do this painting with us! Learn more about membership here!
Curious about all of Tracie’s “bonus tutorials”?
You can see Tracie’s full gallery of bonus tutorials! These are only available through the membership!